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Rory O'Donnell (c.1575 - 1608):
Irish chieftain

Rory (Ruidhri) O'Donnell was born in County Donegal and became chief of Tyrconnell when Red Hugh went to Spain after the defeat at the Battle of Kinsale. In 1602 he submitted to Mountjoy and went with him in 1603 to London to visit King James I and was created first Earl of Tyrconnell. Later that year he was knighted in Dublin. Discontented with the lands granted to him, he decided to seize Dublin Castle, but his plans were discovered, and he and Tyrone fled in what became known as the 'Flight of the Earls' in 1607. He died in Rome.

Born: c.1575
Died: July 1608
Kate Newmann