Sam Hanna Bell Samuel Beckett John Hewitt Bernard (Barney) Hughes James Joseph Magennis VC Frances Elizabeth Clarke Stewart Parker William Carleton Rosamond Praegar

Our Policies


The Ulster History Circle is a group of people interested in honouring men and women of distinction who are associated with the historic nine-county province of Ulster, by erecting commemorative plaques in places connected with them.

The Circle has traditionally relied on a variety of sources for its consideration of people for plaques; nominations from organisations, individuals, peer groups etc. The publication of the Dictionary of Ulster Biography, compiled by Kate Newmann and published in 1993 by the Institute of Irish Studies at QUB, provided a ready source of information. In 2007 the Circle acquired the copyright to the Dictionary and with the help of funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, has set about preparing a new edition based exclusively on-line.

The revised on-line Dictionary is initially largely comprised of the material in the original paper edition, with some additional information such as full life dates, and augmented progressively by entries about people who died after the cut-off date for that edition. In addition, the opportunity will be taken to expand on, and where necessary, correct, the existing material.

Call for Sponsorship

The Circle is a group of volunteers, without access to funds other that those donated by official bodies, organisations and individuals to pay for the commemorative plaques. These grants and donations provide for the small overhead costs associated with running the Circle. These costs will increase to cover maintenance of the Dictionary website. The Circle would be pleased to receive assistance with these costs from individuals and organisations. Experience tells us that it is almost impossible to get support from government bodies for such ongoing costs. All such help will be acknowledged on the website.

The scale of the operation

The compilation of biographical material about people who have died since the first edition is a mammoth undertaking. As of November 2009 we have identified almost 500 people with substantial Ulster connections whose obituaries were published in National and Regional newspapers since 1993. This material needs to be sifted and reviewed before beginning the major task of preparing dictionary entries can begin. Initially, the Circle will concentrate of those who died up to and including the year 2000.

Selection criteria

To be eligible for a Dictionary entry the person must have been born in, lived in, went to school in or worked in any identifiable location in the nine counties of Ulster and to have made a significant contribution in their chosen occupation or calling.


Exclusivity and Copyright

The Circle will commission entries from a variety of sources. All entries in the Dictionary will be original, unpublished work. When submitting an article for publication the writer will be confirming that the work is his or hers, and is giving the Dictionary non-exclusive rights to publish it. Authors will be granting permission for their material to be reprinted by interested parties for use in their free print or electronic newsletters, magazines and web sites, with author's by-line included. Reproduction or use without attribution is a violation of the authors’ and the Ulster History Circle’s copyright. Authors will be responsible for gaining permission to publish photographs, maps or diagrams.

The Circle does not offer or provide any remuneration for entries. 

Acceptance for Publication

Articles are published at the Editor’s discretion.

Guidelines for Contributions

The length of contributions is at the discretion of the writer. While there is no limit on contributions, it should not normally be necessary to exceed 1,000 words.


All contributions will be subject to editing for size, clarity and conformity with the Dictionary’s house style. The Editor may suggest amendments to the text. All changes will be agreed with the author.


The Editor will correct all factual errors that are brought to his or her attention. Authors’ corrections will be made immediately. Suggestions for corrections from other sources will be sent to the author for consideration and any agreed changes made.