Sam Hanna Bell Samuel Beckett John Hewitt Bernard (Barney) Hughes James Joseph Magennis VC Frances Elizabeth Clarke Stewart Parker William Carleton Rosamond Praegar

John F. Hunter (1893 - 1951):

John Hunter was born in Manchuria, where his father was an Irish Presbyterian church missionary. He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, and the Royal College of Art. He became inspector of art to the Ministry of Education in 1923. In 1934 he completed, with W. R. Gordon, the large mural, 'The Bronze Age in Belfast', at the Ulster Museum. He was President of the Ulster Academy of Arts. He served in both world wars, and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel. He was awarded the OBE. His wood engravings and landscape pictures are in the Ulster Museum and the Arts Council of Northern Ireland. He was the brother of Mercy Hunter.

Born: 1893
Died: 1951
Kate Newmann