Sam Hanna Bell Samuel Beckett John Hewitt Bernard (Barney) Hughes James Joseph Magennis VC Frances Elizabeth Clarke Stewart Parker William Carleton Rosamond Praegar

Hugh Hanna (1821 - 1892):
Cleric, Presbyterian

Hugh Hanna was born in Dromara, County Down. He was educated in Belfast and ordained there and in 1885 became Doctor of Divinity. A former schoolteacher and prominent educationalist, he was made a Commissioner of National Education in 1880. In 1872 he built St Enoch's, the largest Presbyterian church in Belfast. He gained a reputation as a street preacher, and his meetings gave rise to sectarian disturbances in the streets of the city. He was known as 'Roaring Hanna', and he published many pamphlets.

Born: 21 February 1821
Died: 3 February 1892
Kate Newmann