Honoria Galwey (1830 - 1934): Collector of Irish music
Honoria Galwey was born in the Waterside, Derry. From an early age she was sung to by her father, and began listening to folk-songs. She travelled on the continent and when she returned, her enthusiasm for collecting music became central to her life. She once wrote: 'Fiddles, pipes, concertinas, Jews' harps (or trumps), lasses lilting, lads whistling, to each and all I am indebted'. In 1810 she published Old Irish Croonauns and other tunes, said to be one of the best collection sof Irish melodies extant. The words to many of the tunes were composed by Moira O'Neill of the Glens of Antrim. Honoria Galway claimed that the Londonderry Air belonged as much to County Donegal as to County Londonderry.