Bridget Desmond (1862 - 1911): Businesswoman
Bridget Desmond was born in County Donegal; she is registered having been baptised in Killygordon. She married John Desmond, and settled in Claudy, County Londonderry. She began her business by having shirts made up by out-workers, on behalf of Tillie & Henderson, one of the largest shirt manufacturers in Londonderry. She journeyed once a week in her pony and trap to collect the cut garments, and distribute them to the houses of the out-workers. She purchased sewing machines from the Singer Co. for hire by her workers, and these were paid for on a weekly basis. Later she decided to centralise the work by bringing the girls into the family home. Soon all the rooms were taken up and the first Desmond factory came into being. Her husband John joined her in building up the business which would become a major clothing supplier and survive until the early years of the twenty-first century.