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Hugh Boulter (1672 - 1742):
Archbishop, Church of Ireland

Hugh Boulter was born in London and was educated at Oxford. He held, among other eminent positions, the chaplaincy to George I, the bishopric of Bristol and in 1724 became Archbishop of Armagh. During the nineteen years of his primacy in Armagh he was deeply politically involved on behalf of the English government. On his death he left his estate for the purchase of glebes for the Irish clergy. His inability to make converts to Protestantism was a source of great concern to him : 'I can assure you the Papists are here so numerous that it highly concerns us in point of bring them and theirs over to the knowledge of the true religion; and one of the most likely methods we can think of is...instructing and converting the young generation....The ignorance and obstinacy of the adult Papists is such that there is not much hope of converting them.' He published Letters, containing an Account of the Most Interesting Transactions which Passed in Ireland from 1724 to 1738.

Born: 4 January 1672
Died: 27 September 1742
Kate Newmann