David Sherwood McIlhagger (1911 - 1993): Engineer
David McIlhagger was born in Belfast and at the age of sixteen was an apprentice with the Belfast Omnibus Company, during which period he attended evening classes at the Belfast School of Technology. In 1933 he graduated in electrical engineering from Queen's University, Belfast, and in 1935, was appointed lecturer at the Belfast College of Technology. In 1942 he gained his doctorate from Queen's University and became lecturer there in 1955, and senior lecturer in 1960. In 1970 he was given a Readership. He was a senior research fellow in Civil Engineering and in 1977 joined the wave power research group. He contributed to the rebuilding of St Barnabus Church, Belfast, after the war, and in 1963 was lay representative from Connor diocese at the Anglican Congress in Toronto. He was Chairman of the local branch of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, and was the Northern Ireland Representative on the Council of the Benevolent Fund.