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98 matching results in database.


Gage, Adelaide - (1832 - 1920)

Gage, Catherine - (1791 - 1852)

Gage, Catherine - (1815 - 1892)

Gage, Dorothea - (1835 - 1883)

Gage, Robert - (1813 - 1891)

Gallagher, Charles - ( - 1968)

Gallagher, Patrick - (1871 - 1966)

Gallagher, Patrick (The Mighty Atom) - (1894 - 1954)

Gallagher, Rory - (1949 - 1995)

Gallagher, Thomas - (1840 - 1927)

Gallaher, David - (1873 - 1917)

Galway, Mary - (1864 - 1928)

Galwey, Honoria - (1830 - 1934)

Gamble, Frederick (John Pepper) - (1905 - 1986)

Gamble, General William - (1818 - 1866)

Gamble, James - (1803 - 1891)

Gamble, John - (1770 - 1831)

Gamble, Josias - (1775 - 1848)

Gandon, James - (1842 - 1843)

Ganley, Len - (1943 - 2011)

Garrett, James Ramsey - (1817 - 1855)

Garvey, John - (1515 - 1595)

Gault, Andrew - (1833 - 1903)

Gault, Leslie - (1787 - 1843)

Geddes, Wilhelmina - (1887 - 1955)

Getty, Edmund - (1799 - 1857)

Gibson, John George - (1920 - 1974)

Gibson, John Goroge - (1846 - 1924)

Gibson, Professor Norman - (1931 - 2014)

Gibson, William - (1838 - 1913)

Gibson, William - (1808 - 1867)

Giff, Alan - ( - 2010)

Gilbert, Claudius - (1670 - 1742)

Gilchrist, Andrew - (1899 - 1995)

Gill, Frederick - (1895 - 1960)

Gillespie, Leonard - (1758 - 1842)

Gillespie, Robert Rollo - (1766 - 1814)

Gillespie, William - (1891 - 1981)

Gilmore, George - (1898 - 1985)

Gilmore, John Joseph - (1900 - 1945)

Given, Thomas - (1850 - 1917)

Glasgow, Rev Dr James McClure - (1805 - 1890)

Glass, James - (1847 - 1931)

Gleitze, Mercedes - (1900 - 1981)

Glendy, John - (1778 - 1832)

Glover, Julia - (1779 - 1850)

Goban, Saer - (600 )

Godkin, Edwin Lawrence - (1831 - 1902)

Godkin, James - (1806 - 1879)

Godley, Alfred Denis - (1856 - 1925)

Goldblatt, Harold - (1899 - 1982)

Good, James Winder - (1877 - 1930)

Gordon, Ellen - (1899 )

Gordon, James Bentley - (1749 - 1819)

Gordon, Thomas Eagleson - (1867 - 1929)

Gordon, Thomas Gisbourne - (1852 - 1935)

Gormflaith, - (870 - 925)

Goudy, Alexander Porter - (1809 - 1858)

Goudy, Henry - (1848 - 1921)

Graham, John - (1813 - 1896)

Graham, John - (1822 - 1879)

Graham, John - (1776 - 1844)

Graham, Walter - (1763 - 1798)

Graham, William - (1810 - 1883)

Graham, William - (1839 - 1911)

Graham Bryce, Dame Isabel - (1902 - 1997)

Grainger, John - (1830 - 1891)

Grant, Alan Proctor - (1918 - 2004)

Grant, Michael - (1914 - 2004)

Grant, Thomas - (1816 - 1870)

Graves, Robert James - (1796 - 1853)

Graves, Thomas - (1747 - 1814)

Gray, Edmund Dwyer - (1845 - 1888)

Gray, Robert Disney - (1896 - 1980)

Gray, William - (1830 - 1917)

Green, Edward Rodney Richey - (1921 - 1981)

Green, Edward Thomas - ( - 1965)

Green, William Alfred - (1870 - 1958)

Greer, Samuel McCurdy - (1810 - 1880)

Greer, Thomas - ( - 1895)

Greeves, Thomas Jackson - (1886 - 1974)

Gregg, Harry (The Hero of Munich) - (1932 - 2020)

Gregg, Robert John - (1867 - 1948)

Gregory, Padraic - (1886 - 1962)

Grew, Gertrude M. - (1900 )

Grey, Elizabeth (Betsy) - ( - 1798)

Grey, Lord Grey of Naunton, Ralph - (1910 - 1999)

Griffiths, Amyas - (1746 - 1801)

Griffiths, John Purser - (1848 - 1938)

Grimshaw, Beatrice - (1870 - 1953)

Grimshaw, James - (1771 - 1866)

Grimshaw, William - (1782 - 1852)

Grubb, Thomas - (1800 - 1878)

Guthrie, Tyrone - (1900 - 1971)

Gwynn, John - (1827 - 1917)

Gwynn, Lucius Henry - (1873 - 1902)

Gwynn, Robert Malcolm - (1877 - 1962)

Gwynn, Stephen Lucius - (1864 - 1950)