Sam Hanna Bell Samuel Beckett John Hewitt Bernard (Barney) Hughes James Joseph Magennis VC Frances Elizabeth Clarke Stewart Parker William Carleton Rosamond Praegar

Welcome to The Dictionary of Ulster Biography

The Dictionary of Ulster Biography is the on-line successor to the 1993 edition, compiled by Kate Newmann and published in 1993 by the Institute of Irish Studies of the Queens University of Belfast.  With assistance from the Heritage Lottery Fund the Ulster History Circle has produced this revised and updated edition of the Dictionary. In the early stages there will be a limited number of new and revised entries but these will gradually increase as more material is produced. 

The Dictionary is about people associated with the historic nine counties of Ulster and includes those who were born here, or lived or worked here and who have distinguished themselves in some way. Many of them will be included in other biographical dictionaries. The aim where possible is to describe their lives and achievements from a local perspective.

The main advantage of this Dictionary is that access is free.

For a Quick Search for a name, enter it in the 'Quick Search' box at top right. For more detailed searches use the search boxes below or go to the Search page for more options. For more information on the search options visit the Help page.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information recorded here. Inevitably there will be mistakes, we hope few. We would be obliged if anyone noticing an error would let us know through the Contacts page. We will correct mistakes immediately.

The Circle welcomes contributions and will provide full acknowledgement of authorship and copyright. See Our Policies page.

